Terms and Conditions

 Professional Community Discussion Group Disclaimer:

Thank you for being part of our Discussion Groups.  To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.

By joining and using this community, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines.  You also agree to reserve discussions and shared files and content to best suited to the section.  This is a great medium with which to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversations.  Questions should be directed to info@publicgardens.org.

The Professional Community Discussion Groups are open to all members of the American Public Gardens Association to use for the purposes of networking and exchanging of ideas and best practices. At no time should these platforms be used to house or distribute inappropriate content including (but not limited to) sales oriented information, unapproved job/internship listings, lewd, profane, or violent comments, personal attacks, aggressive behavior, and spam. The Association reserves the right to monitor these discussion groups and remove any comments deemed inappropriate based on the discretion of staff only.

If you would like to post a job or internship, please submit your listing via the appropriate form found through the online Career Center.  ONLY staff will conclude if a listing is appropriate to be posted to the discussion groups. Any unauthorized listings will be removed.